Friday, July 27, 2012

The Horror

The horror has begun. I live in a rural county, where real jobs are hard to find. Due to our proximity to the ocean, there is a lot of land here that is admired. This county has had environmentalists halt development of rare, recreational uses, due to concerns over such things as sand dunes. Building too close to a sand dune is a bad thing, I've found out, especially if the "building" was a putting green.

The real horror is the changes that have taken place in banking laws.

Living in a rural market, with depressed housing values, a shrinking business community, has led to businesses with loans finding themselves "under-performing" under the new rules created by our Congress, after the latest let-down in 2008. In order to protect "us", the American public, from unregulated Banking Operations, rules have been put in place that prohibit banks from using their discretion in determining whether or not a loan to a business is acceptable, or not.

Today, my best friend lost his multi-million dollar business, due to accounting rules.

It isn't my friend who lost out. It was his customers who lost.

He carried a segment of our community after the downturn of 2008. The guys who built homes. He carried them, and then, when the slope of debt and payment was finally turning, bank regulations killed him.

Whenever you hear that we need more regulation, remember my friend. Banks should do, what banks should do. Bread makers should do what bread makers do. Government should do what they do best.

Roads, defence, postal service.

Beyond that, government is an hindrance, not a solution.

Government regulation has helped us deal with certain problems. Excessive air pollution? Excessive water pollution? Sure. Because of differences in states' laws, water and air pollution were issues that needed federal intervention. But federal regulation has gone out of control. When federal regulations of a regional bank can kill a local company based on rules out of Washington, D.C., then the power of federal regulators has been expanded past the diminishing values of the regulation. That is, the costs to society have increased against the value of the supposed protection of the regulation.

And it isn't just banking where this is happening.

When you hear someone complaining about the costs of regulation, it isn't just banking, or retail, or mining, or manufacturing. The costs of regulation are imposing costs on customers, on investors, on employees. We are driving down employment, increasing costs for building new products, and killing entrepreneurship.

For what?

Lower risks?

Government regulation hasn't ever, ever, ever, solved a thing. Thieves prosper because they are thieves. Government regulators prosper because they are government regulators. Has a single death ever been prevented due to regulation of guns, murder, being a dick or being stupid? People die from all types of causes. But have a gun involved, a car, alcohol, then: let's pass another law. Killing someone has always been a crime, back unto the days of Cain and Able. And yet, we find the loudest voices calling for new legislation prohibiting killing someone for some reason.

Why haven't we solved the problem of murder? Why wasn't this problem solved three thousand years ago?

The end of murder, theft, cheating, embezzlement?  Why is it, at this moment in time when we are being confronted, for the first time, with these human weaknesses?

Why is it, that we need to re-discover the truths our Founding Fathers had been cognizant of, when they were facing the problems that we face today? Is there a role for writers, such as Locke and Augustus, in our lives, today?

Schools don't teach Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Hume, or Galileo. Men who observed simple truth, and said, "here is a simple, observable truth. Deny it." There are things that are undeniable, and yet today, undeniable truths are being found to be objectionable. Take the recent unpleasantness of being gay. A kid was denied his participation in a Jesuit program for minorities, since he found himself unable to accept the teaching that being homosexual was the same thing as being heterosexual.

We are told every day, that gays being married is just the same as heterosexuals being married.

I guess that it is pretty easy for someone who has no sexual distinctions to find the above assumptions valid. But what if you find that you have certain sexual distinctions? A majority of people do find themselves able to ascertain their sexual distinction. When it comes to mating, a preponderance of participants find themselves drawn to persons of distinctly different sexual preference...or what may be called, "gender."

Boys have dicks, and girls have pussies. Two dicks are one too many, and two pussies are a dream.

What is a visceral reaction for most seems to be indictable for the gays. Whether it's a coach at Penn State, or a volleyball coach at the local high school, the problem is, gay behaviour isn't the norm, it isn't acceptable, and it isn't normal. But the question of how we've come to a pass, where gay behavior is as  acceptable as inordinate banking regulation ends up being the product of a societal belief that the arbiter of  what is fair, or unfair, must necessarily be the government.

The horror lies, in letting someone else decide for you, what is right or wrong.

We can't vote on what is right or wrong. You face that decision eleventy times each day. You don't think about what laws, regulations or rules have been written; you think about what is right. As is your God given gift.

The horror is that, you've been told that you can't decide for yourself what is wrong or right, even though the greatest impetus has been found to be that which you decide for yourself, from Aquinas to Einstein. The truth cannot be hidden. If you find yourself condemning people who decide for themselves what is true and what is not, to what school of thought do you find yourself adhering? What are the rules for you, if you find yourself decrying found truths of anyone else?

We'll take care of you. Vote for me, and you'll be assured of a future. How can something as valueless as a vote assure anyone of anything? There's only one thing that will take care of you; your self. And never forget it. Have you made plans for when your worst nightmare takes place? I have. It isn't pretty, but things will get by.

If you don't have a plan, mebbe it's time to think about it. Or, better yet, simply vote. Simply vote to allow us, as adults, to take care of ourselves.

It's radical, but it's what America was built upon, since its inception. It's not Obama's vision of hope and change. And for me, that's what makes it workable.

1 comment:

MAX Redline said...

Sorry to see your friend lose his business to regulation.

Regulation, in most cases, = Lingchi.