Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We Need A President Who Can Run This Country Like A Businessman


We need a President who will run government like a government.

I'm tired of having government supplant the creativity of the individual. Solyndra? Yeah, that was a good policy move.

Oregon is all about policy. We've lost touch with the creativity of the entrepreneur, and now we rely upon centrally planned innovation. I keep waiting for the drum circles in Salem.

I know that Ms. Bachman isn't in vogue right now, but I prefer her to Romney. I know that Huntsman is getting smothered by bad poll numbers, but I prefer Huntsman to Romney. In the top tier, I favour Cain and Perry, because they aren't talking about coming into government to create a new, corporate CEO of America. We don't need an American CEO. We need a President. Someone who manages the Executive Branch of our three branched government. I don't need the Senate to act as a supervisor of the "direction our country is headed." I don't need a House of Representatives directing the "course of our country."


Because we have no idea what the course of our country is, where our country is headed, or what important decisions we, as individuals, will find ourselves needing to make. Setting up a committee isn't a better answer, but it is a convenient, comfortable response. Bottom line, you and I both know that what happens in the future is a mystery, but how we're trained to deal with the unexpected may earn us an additional day on this sweet planet.

Can I vote for Romney?


Because, at the root level, he is no different from Obama.


innominatus said...

When Gov. Perry said (paraphrased as I don't remember the exact words) "I'll make it my priority that government has as little involvement in your life as possible" he went to the top of my list. I haven't heard Cain say that, but I suspect he feels similarly.

Ten Mile Island said...

I need more government like I need more help from people who neither buy from me, nor buy from my clients.

But, they've plenty of advice.

And it's free!

T. D. said...

"Because we have no idea what the course of our country is, where our country is headed, or what important decisions we, as individuals, will find ourselves needing to make."

Exactly right, TMI. We need a leader who can define issues and inspire the nation to make needed choices (and sacrifices) despite obfuscation by the media and those in power. That's why Reagan remains a model.

MAX Redline said...

But, they've plenty of advice.

And it's free!

If only it were, I might resent government less.

Ten Mile Island said...


You're on to something!

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